ANNOUNCEMENT: After an incredible journey, we’ve made the tough decision to close Hashleap. We will be shutting the servers down on Feb 22nd, 2025. Thank you for your support, trust, and loyalty.
UPDATE: As per previous update on sunsetting Hashleap, all functionalities have been shut down since Feb 22nd, 2025. We will be fulling deleting all existing data and removing this home page on March 11th, 2025.
Crypto payments for web3 companies, DAOs and freelancers
Send, accept and track your business crypto payments with ease. Payouts designed to easily pay salaries, expenses and other payments. A dashboard that gives a clear view of your cash flows.
Let's talk, see what fits your requirements and we can come up with a tailored solution for you.
* 1% fee per transaction over the limit
Frequently Asked Questions
How much do I have to pay to use HashLeap?
How do you process payments?
What crypto currencies and chains do you support?
Can I get paid in fiat currencies like GBP, USD, EUR, etc.
Do you store any of my customer's wallet data during payment?
What should I do if I get contacted by someone at HashLeap?
How can I get in touch?
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